Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Audio Presentations of Islamic Apologetics coming soon!

In writing this post I wrote about how I'm going to start commenting on the debates that are online or the podcasts that are online. I had to stop myself because it became too lengthy. So I have decided to focus on using audio in presentation format. I will pause the audio clips of events or other videos at certain portions and address the issues. I think that is the most concise way of doing this. Writing is difficult because you have to constantly make sure that you keep a certain scholarly standard, and it is not easy to do by yourself especially if you have no editor and in the case that you are not working for an official magazine or publication or something of the sort. Stay tuned you guys will start seeing some in a few days, and hopefully a podcast!

Peace be to all and thank you!
Peace be to all and thank you!
In writing this post I wrote about how I'm going to start commenting on the debates that are online or the podcasts that are online. I had to stop myself because it became too lengthy. So I have decided to focus on using audio in presentation format. I will pause the audio clips of events or other videos at certain portions and address the issues. I think that is the most concise way of doing this. Writing is difficult because you have to constantly make sure that you keep a certain scholarly standard, and it is not easy to do by yourself especially if you have no editor and in the case that you are not working for an official magazine or publication or something of the sort. Stay tuned you guys will start seeing some in a few days, and hopefully a podcast!

Peace be to all and thank you! 

A scandal involving Nouman Ali Khan?

I randomly ran into this video which was talking about a scandal regarding our friend. First of all matters like this should be kept as private as possible. It is obvious in our religion that much harm results from people committing sin openly and unabashedly. If someone is trying to keep something they did wrong private, then that should be respected. Those parties directly involved should sort it out. So to all you Muslims out there stop talking about this. By talking about this you are denying him the right of being innocent unless proven otherwise. And that is a terrible thing, as is stated in the Holy Koran regarding the heavy burden of accusing someone of an indecent act. Stop speculating stop searching just leave this issue alone and leave it to God to sort the matter.